Deploy DApp contracts

Since nuwa 1.0.8, deploy DAPP on MicroChain changed to support multiple Dapps. To support First, user need to deploy a Dappbase.sol to support all other DAPP contracts.


One running MicroChain without any DAPP on it. Please refer to “Create a MicroChain”.

Download the control contract dappbase.sol using the latest download link. dapp1.sol and dapp2.sol are the two

Deploy the DAPP

DAPP is deployed by using sendTransaction on the MotherChain with the shardingFlag = 3.


from: source account to deploy the DAPP;
    to: MicroChain address;
    gas: no gas needed for this operation, can be set to 0;
    shardingflag: require to set to 0x3,in nuwa 1.0.8 and later, all MicroChain deployment need set to shardingflag;
    via: VNODE proxy address, should be found in vnodeconfig.json;

STEP1:Deploy the dappbase.sol on MicroChain 0x1195cd9769692a69220312e95192e0dcb6a4ec09:

> chain3 = require('chain3')
> solc = require('solc')
> chain3 = new chain3();
> chain3.setProvider(new chain3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545'));
> solfile = 'deorder.sol';
> contract = fs.readFileSync(solfile, 'utf8');
> output = solc.compile(contract, 1);
> abi = output.contracts[':DeOrder'].interface;
> bin = output.contracts[':DeOrder'].bytecode;
> subchainaddr = '0x1195cd9769692a69220312e95192e0dcb6a4ec09';
> via = '0xf103bc1c054babcecd13e7ac1cf34f029647b08c';
> chain3.personal.unlockAccount([0], '123456');
>{from:[0], value:0, to: subchainaddr, gas:0, shardingFlag: "0x3", data: '0x' + bin, nonce: 0, via: via, });
If MicroChain is deployed successfully, the Nonce of the source account should change to 1; This can be checked using rpc command get_nonce, or rpcdebug command ScsRPCMethod.GetNonce. Please refer to [Interact with the DAPP]().

STEP2:Deploy the dapp1.sol using the same command as Step1;

STEP3:Deploy the dapp2.sol using the same command as Step1;

Interact with the DAPP

The call of the DAPPs on the MicroChain should be done by using MotherChain’s sendTransaction operation.


Alert, all the calls of DAPPs need to put the DAPPs address before the dataload !!!

dappbase.sol has a method registerDapp(address,address,string) to be used to register a new Dapp.


to: address of the deployed subchainbase contract;
gas: 0 不需要消耗gas费用
shardingflag: 0x1  表示子链调用操作
via: 对应 proxy vnode 的收益地址
data: 调用合约地址 + chain3.sha3("registerDapp(address,address,string)") 取前4个字节 0xb5560a14,加上传值凑足32个字节

registerDapp中,第一个参数是想要注册的dapp的地址(dapp1和dapp2的地址),可以通过RPC getReciipt方法获得部署时contract address;第二个参数是创建dappbase时的from,也就是只有创建dappbase的人才能调用此方法;第三个参数是这个dapp的ABI。


> nonce = 3
> data = '0x0xcc0D18E77748AeBe3cC6462be0EF724e391a4aDb5560a140000000000000000000000001105d71a3d23c5bc80fc4b76605d694a0f83bfab00000000000000000000000044c10f4c... ...'
> subchainaddr = '0x1195cd9769692a69220312e95192e0dcb6a4ec09';
> via = '0xf103bc1c054babcecd13e7ac1cf34f029647b08c';
> chain3.personal.unlockAccount([0], '123456');
> { nonce: nonce, from:[0], value:0, to: subchainaddr, gas:0, shardingFlag:'0x1', data: data, via: via,});

To check if the operation is successful: 1. The account nonce will increase by 1 if the operation is successful; 2. Call ScsRPCMethod.GetContractInfo() with proper parameters to get the contract info;


STEP4: 调用dappbase中的registerDapp方法来注册dapp1

STEP5: 调用dappbase中的registerDapp方法来注册dapp2

STEPX: 调用dapp1或dapp2中的业务逻辑