
FileStorm is a decentralized storage platform implemented with IPFS and MOAC. The files are stored on millions of data nodes provided by people around the world in IPFS format in exchange for MOAC. FileStorm is a project that involves three types of people.

Storage Provider Storage providers provides the hardware devices used for storage, such as computers with large volume of storage, or customized storage boxes. FileStorm program needs to be installed on these devices so they can connect to Moac FileStorm microchains as well as IPFS network. Storage providers can gain reward in MOAC by offering the storage service.

Dapp Developers Dapp Developers are the creator of FileStorm microchains. They can create a dedicated microchain used for storage only for their own Dapp. Moac Foundation will also create a public FileStorm microchain. Dapp Developers will have to pay MOAC to deploy and maintain a FileStorm.

Storage End Users Storage end users will use FileStorm through Dapps. The end users do not need MOAC to use FileStorm, but they may have to pay to use the Dapps.

Our user guide has three parts for the three type of users.

Storage Providers Running FileStorm Subchain needs the following 4 modules:

SCSServer - Moac subchain node program. redis - Local database to store public and private file hash IPFS Daemon - IPFS storage server program。 IFPS Monkey - Used by Moac subchain node program to access IPFS We can download all these modules one by ore, or install them by using Docker. Let’s start with installing them one by one.


Ubuntu .. code:: bash

sudo apt update sudo apt full-upgrade sudo apt install build-essential tcl curl -O tar xzvf redis-stable.tar.gz sudo apt install redis-server

CentOs .. code:: bash

sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum update sudo yum install redis

FileStorm 共识

FileStorm共识是在ProcWind共识之上实现的一个dPOS共识。DPOS,Delegated proof of stake,委托权益共识需要选出一组矿工节点来做区块的生产和调度。这些权益所有者需要抵押通证。任何节点如果不正常出块或者不对其他节点的出块做验证,抵押通证将被扣除。这些节点被称之为验证节点,或出块节点。验证节点按顺序轮流出块,每n秒钟一个块,n可设置,现在设置为10。FileStorm的不同之处在于,每个FileStorm子链的区块头上多了两个随机数。这两个随机数是用来做文件验证的。证明每个节点上都存了该存的文件。在FileStorm子链上,节点分成两种:出块节点和存储节点。出块节点负责打包交易,出块,并且产生文件验证随机数。存储节点存储文件,并且对文件进行验证。





FileStorm 验证节点


SCSServer - 墨客子链节点程序。

FileStorm 存储节点 存储节点主要安装下面这些程序来对存储的文件进行验证。验证成功即可获取存储收益。

StormCatcher - 文件管理助手,用于对文件读写删除和验证的操作。 IPFS Daemon - 文件以IPFS的方式存储的主要平台。 redis - 本地数据库,用于缓存文件调用的请求。 IPFS Daemon由IPFS源代码生成,没有改动。所以FileStorm子链是一种开放式架构,可以和其他基于IPFS的存储设备兼容。

FileStorm Token

FileStorm Token (FST) is a ERC20 token issued on the MOAC BaseChain. 是发行在墨客区块链上的一个ERC20代币。在FileStorm平台上流通。用户通过支付FST获取平台的使用权,存储提供方提供存储设备得到FST收益。

FileStorm Setup