Chain3 GO Library

MOAC Go API was built for MOAC chain. It was developed from MOAC RPC API, which can be used to develop Ðapp on MOAC chain. It supports both VNODE and SCS JSON RPC API methods in MOAC network.

## Chain3Go Installation

### setup $GOPATH

` export GOPATH=/Users/[user]/go `

### go get

`bash go get -u `

## MOAC Configuration

### Install MOAC

Download latest MOAC Vnode and SCS Releases from here:

### Run MOAC

Run moac vnode on testnet ` ./moac --testnet ` Run moac scs to connect the VNODE locally ` ./scsserver `

Create new accounts and send transactions

``` mc.coinbase mc.accounts personal.newAccount() passphrase: repeat passphrase:

miner.start() –wait a few seconds miner.stop()

personal.unlockAccount(“0x18833df6ba69b4d50acc744e8294d128ed8db1f1”) mc.sendTransaction({from: ‘0x18833df6ba69b4d50acc744e8294d128ed8db1f1’, to: ‘0x2a022eb956d1962d867dcebd8fed6ae71ee4385a’, value: chain3.toSha(12, “moac”)}) ```

## Chain3Go Execution `bash go run main.go `

### Requirements

  • go ^1.8.3

[Go installation instructions.](